De-extinction, or resurrection biology, is a controversial concept that seeks to recreate a previously extinct species by using remnants of that species’ DNA. Revive and Restore, led by Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalogue, is supporting various scientists in attempts to revive the passenger pigeon, among other species. Passenger pigeon researcher Ben Novak, who is interviewed in the film, defends assertions that money would be better spent on conservation efforts. Biologist Stan Temple finds the concept intriguing, but has many questions, such as who decides which species to revive, and what might be the effect on the ecosystem?
On March 15, 2014, in Washington D.C., National Geographic hosted TEDxDeExtinction, a daylong conference on species-revival science and ethics convened by Revive & Restore. The complete talks by Ben Novak and Stan Temple are viewable below.
From more information on TEDx Deextinction Talks.